Indiana Vegetable Gardening Timeline Vegetable Gardening has become quite popular in recent years. Here’s a time line for central Indiana for planting your vegetables:


The earliest things you can plant in the garden. Peas: Plant seeds. There are several new good bush varieties or you will need some sort of trellis or stake for any vining variety. Harvest mid-May. Potatoes: Plant seed potatoes.

Potato Planting Tips:

Put straw down on top of your ridge of soil. Cut your seed potatoes so you have at least 3 eyes on each part of the potato. Lay your cut seed potatoes about 6-8in apart on top of the straw. Cover the potatoes with straw. Mound more soil on top of the straw. Wait for the potatoes plants to grow. The straw will help you have lots cleaner potatoes when you harvest them and should help to keep them from rotting.

April 1st

These crops can take cold weather…in fact they prefer it. Some things will not grow when it gets hot in the summer. Onions: plant onion sets or onion plants about 18″ apart. Harvest end of July or you can pull a few in May for some green onions. Broccoli: plant baby plants about 18″ apart. Harvest first part of June. Cabbage: plant baby plants about 18″ apart. Harvest June. Cauliflower: plant baby plants about 18″ apart. Harvest first part of June. Radishes: plant seeds. Harvest late May. Kohrabi: plant seeds. Harvest late June. Turnips: plant seeds. Harvest mid-June. Lettuce & Spinach: plant seeds and then go back and thin out baby seedlings so they are about 6″ apart. Asparagus: plant perennial plants. Rhubarb: plant perennial plant. Brussels Sprouts: plant baby plants.


Strawberries: plant plants about 18″ apart with 3′ feet between rows. Ever bearing varieties will produce fruit in the spring and fall of the year. June bearing produce one big crop around the first part of June. Plants typically live for around three years.

May 1st

Sweet Corn: plant an early variety such as Early Sunsation around May 1st. Plant in several short rows to promote pollination. Best to grow in block of three rows. Later varieties such as Kandy Corn and Silver Queen should be planted around May 15th. You can expect to get some early harvest in mid-July and late harvest around August 1st.

May 15th

These crops like it warm at night. They cannot handle frost. Best to wait until Mid-May. Tomatoes (plant baby plants about 2′ apart. Use a cage or stake if the variety recommends it. This year’s tomato varieties. See below for more information on growing tomatoes. Eggplant: plant baby plants. Harvest end of July. Peppers: plant baby plants about 18″ apart. Harvest end of July. Green Beans: plant seeds in rows. Blue Lake Bush beans are a very popular bush variety. Pole beans will need to be staked. Zucchini and Summer Squash: plant baby plants..expect a harvest mid-June. Melons: plant baby plants. Very susceptible to cold…wait until its very warm at night. Expect harvest in early August. Cucumbers: plant baby plants. Expect harvest in July.

Early June

Pumpkins: plant seeds. Expect harvest for Halloween. Winter Squash: plants seeds. Expect harvest in fall.